For Numerical Simulations Supported by Database in Fortran
Author: Amasaki Shinobu (雨崎しのぶ)
Posted on: 2023-12-02 JST
I previously have posted an article titled ‘Accessing a Database Server via Fortran.’ In this article, I would like to continue from that point, and illustrate how to manage data in a numerical computing program using Libpq-Fortran and PostgreSQL.
- Introduction
- Example Problem: 1-D Advection Equation
- Preparation
- Execute Simulations
- Retrieve the Data for Plot
- Conclusion
The primary goal for many Fortran programmers is likely to write numerical computing programs and evaluate thier results. Here, the process of numerical simulation can be classified as follows:
- Write the source code on source files.
- Execute the simulation by providing input files and obtain output files.
- Visualize the results using a plotting script and obtain image files.
1 (Repeat the process by returning to step 1).
When it comes to managing these files, it is generally evident that utilizing a version control system (e. g. Git, SVN) is the best approach for handling source code and scripts that are constantly changing. On the other hand, determining the most effective method for managing input and output files in Step 2 is not as straightforward.
If opting for file system management, one might attempt the following naming and directory structuring:
- Assign unique names by adding timestamps or keywords to the
file names, such as
. - Use directories for categorization, for instance,
These methods can encounter issues such as name collisions when parallel processing, longer directory paths leading to increased complexity in extracting data, and the inconvinience of devising lengthly unique names. Dealing with these problems, while manageable manually for a small amount of data, may become impractical as the data volume increases substantially.
In this article, we will discuss practical methods for managing the continuously increasing data from numerical simulaitons using PostgreSQL—a relational database management system— and Libpq-Fortran—its Fortran frontend.
Example Problem: 1-D Advection Equation
Taking the numerical simulation of the one-dimensional advection equation as an example, we vary parameters, execute simulaitons, and register the results in a database.
The one-dimensional advection equation is given by:
\[\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} + \frac{\partial f}{\partial x} = 0, f= cu.\]
Discretizing this equation using the explicit Eular method, Lax-Friedrich scheme and Lax-Wendroff scheme, we obtain the following difference equations:
Explicit Eular method:
\[ u^{n+1}_{j} = u^{n}_{j} - \frac{\Delta t}{\Delta x} ( \tilde f^{n+\frac{1}{2}}_{j+\frac{1}{2}} - \tilde f^{n-\frac{1}{2}}_{j-\frac{1}{2}}),\]
Lax-Friedrich scheme:
\[\tilde f ^{n+\frac{1}{2}}_{j+\frac{1}{2}} = \frac{1}{2}[(f^n_{j+1} + f^n_j) - \frac{\Delta x}{\Delta t}(u^n_{j+1} - u^n_j)],\]
Lax-Wendroff scheme:
\[\tilde f ^{n+\frac{1}{2}}_{j+\frac{1}{2}} = \frac{1}{2}[(1 - c\frac{\Delta t}{\Delta x})f^n_{j+1}+ (1+ c\frac{\Delta t}{\Delta x})f^n_j], \]
where \(\tilde f\) is the numerical flux, \(f^n_{j} = f(u^n_j) = cu^n_j\), \(c\) represents the characteristic speed, \(\Delta t\) is the time step size, and \(\Delta x\) is the spatial grid spacing.
The three quantities, \(c\), \(\Delta t\), and \(\Delta x\), characterize a simulation of this equation, serving as parameters that defines a single simulation.
Create User and Database
In the following Fortran program, it connect to a PostgreSQL server on the localhost and executes two commands.
program create_database
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
use :: libpq
implicit none
type(c_ptr) :: conn, res
character(:), allocatable :: conninfo, query
conninfo = "host=localhost user=postgres"
! Connect
conn = PQconnectdb(conninfo)
! Error handling for connection
if (PQstatus(conn) /= CONNECTION_OK) then
print *, PQerrorMessage(conn)
error stop
end if
! Command to create a user account
query = "create role shinobu with createdb login password 'foobar';"
res = PQexec(conn, query)
! Error handling for command execution
if (PQresultStatus(res) /= PGRES_COMMAND_OK ) then
print *, PQresultErrorMessage(res)
call PQfinish(conn)
error stop
end if
call PQclear(res)
! Command to create database 'simulation'
query = "create database simulation with owner shinobu;"
res = PQexec(conn, query)
! Error handling for command execution
if (PQresultStatus(res) /= PGRES_COMMAND_OK ) then
print *, PQresultErrorMessage(res)
end if
! Free the result object
call PQclear(res)
! Free the connection object
call PQfinish(conn)
end program create_database
Here, feel free to modify the server address, create a
username and password, and choose the database name according
to your environment. Throughout this article, for example, we
assume the server host is localhost
, the username
is shinobu
, the password is foobar
and the database name is simulation
. Note that at
the initial connection, it connects to the PostgreSQL server on
localhost with the administrator account postgres
If necessary, you should add
password-of-postgres to the
Create Table
Next, we prepare a table to actually write simulation information.
Here, you need to use the user, database, and password
created in the previous section for the connection information
written in conninfo
program create_table
use :: libpq
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
implicit none
type(c_ptr) :: conn, res
character(:), allocatable :: conninfo, query
integer :: i
conninfo = "host=localhost user=shinobu dbname=simulation password=foobar"
conn = PQconnectdb(conninfo)
if (PQstatus(conn) /= 0) then
print *, PQerrorMessage(conn)
error stop
end if
query = "create table advection &
& (sim_id decimal(4,0) not null, &
& start_date date , &
& sim_name varchar(100) not null, &
& cs double precision not null, &
& dt double precision not null, &
& dx double precision not null, &
& courant double precision , &
& length double precision , &
& nx integer not null, &
& nstep integer not null, &
& dat_file varchar(256) not null, &
& primary key(sim_id));"
res = PQexec(conn, query)
if (PQresultStatus(res) /= PGRES_COMMAND_OK) then
print *, PQresultErrorMessage(res)
end if
call PQclear(res)
call PQfinish(conn)
end program create_table
As indicated by the beginning of the string variable
with ‘create table advection’, this query
creates a table named advection
. This subsequent
continuation lines list multiple attributes of the table,
including their names, types, and options. And the
primary key(sim_id)
on the final continuation line
specifies an attribute with a constraint to uniquely identify
records in this table.
Check the Table
After running this program, you can inspect the database and
table information using the psql
command, which is
PostgreSQL’s command-line interface.
Executing the command
psql -h localhost -U shinobu -d simulation
in the
terminal and querying select * from advection;
the simulation=>
prompt, if you obtain a list
of attribute names like the following, it indicates
$ psql -h localhost -U shinobu -d simulation
psql (15.4)
Type "help" for help.
simulation=> select * from advection;
sim_id | start_date | sim_name | cs | dt | dx | courant | l | nx | nstep | dat_file
We will proceed to register data for this table.
Execute Simulations
The program to be executed here consists of the following elements:
- Main Program: With experiments for two different schemes, it has 2 loops that run 32 experiment in total, varying parameters for each experiment.
- Internal procedures:
subroutine: Takes parameters characterizing a simulation as arguments and executes single simulation.data_output
subroutine: Writes values of x in the first columun and u in the second column to output file, with two empty lines as separators between data sets to facilitate reading reading by Gnuplot.data_registration
subroutine: After the execution ofmain_loop
, registers the experiment parameters and the path to the output file in the database.
The time integration loop for numerical simulation is
included in the main_loop
subroutine. This
subroutine takes parameters characterizing one experiment as
arguments. When this subroutine is executed, the filename is
stored in the argument filename
, and the
experiment result are written to a .dat
file with
this name.
subroutine main_loop(cs, dt, dx, nstep, filename, offset_k, k, prefix)
implicit none
real(real64), intent(in) :: cs, dt, dx
integer(int32), intent(in) :: k
character(:), allocatable, intent(inout) :: filename
integer :: offset_k
character(*), intent(in) :: prefix
integer, intent(out) :: nstep
character(4) :: code
integer :: nth_out
real(real64) :: tout, time
real(real64) :: Courant
integer :: i
integer :: uni
real(real64), allocatable :: x(:)
real(real64), allocatable :: u(:), f(:), u_new(:), f0(:)
write(code, '(1i4.4)') k + (offset_k - 1)
Courant = cs*dt/dx
write(error_unit, '(a, i0, a)') "### START ", k, "-th Simulation ###"
write(error_unit, '(a, f10.3)') " Courant number: ", Courant
! Initialize
uni = 100
nth_out = 0
nstep = 1
time = 0d0
tout = 0
allocate(x(0:nx), source=0d0)
allocate(u(0:nx), source=0d0)
allocate(u_new(0:nx), source=0d0)
allocate(f0(0:nx), source=0d0)
allocate(f(0:nx), source=0d0)
! set spacial grid
x(0) = 0d0
do i = 1, nx
x(i) = x(0) + dx*dble(i)
end do
! Initial condition
do i = 0, nx
if (x(i) < 0.1d0) then
u(i) = 1d0
u(i) = 0d0
end if
end do
filename = 'result/'//trim(adjustl(prefix))//code//'.dat'
open(uni, file=filename, form='formatted', status='replace')
call data_output(uni, x, u, tout, time, 0, nth_out)
! time integration loop
nstep = nstep + 1
time = time + dt
f0(:) = cs*u(:) ! numerical flux
! Lax-Friedrich scheme
if (trim(prefix) == 'LF_') then
do i = 1, nx-1
f(i) = 0.5d0*(f0(i+1)+f0(i)) - 0.5d0*dx/dt *(u(i+1) - u(i))
end do
end if
! Lax-Wendroff scheme
if (trim(prefix) == 'LW_') then
do i = 1, nx-1
f(i) = 0.5d0*( (1d0-Courant)*f0(i+1) + (1d0+Courant)*f0(i) )
end do
end if
! Explicit Eular method
do i = 1, nx-1
u_new(i) = u(i) - Courant*(f(i) - f(i-1))
end do
! Update u
u(2:nx-1) = u_new(2:nx-1)
! Boundary Condition
u(1) = u(2)
u(nx) = u(nx-1)
if (time >= tout) call data_output(uni, x, u, tout, time, nstep, nth_out)
if (time > tend) exit
end do
write(error_unit, fmtStop) nstep, time
write(error_unit, '(a)') "### Normal STOP ###"
end subroutine main_loop
Within the included do-loop, the calculation of the
numerical flux for the two schemes, as illustrated in the
previous section’s mathematical expressions, is performed by
switching based on the value of the argument
The subroutine for writing data is as follows:
subroutine data_output (uni, x, u, tout, time, nstep, nth_out)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: uni
real(real64), intent(in) :: x(:), u(:)
real(real64), intent(inout) :: tout
real(real64), intent(in) :: time
integer, intent(in) :: nstep
integer, intent(inout) :: nth_out
integer :: i
do i = 1, nx
write(uni, fmtOut) x(i), u(i)
end do
! Write two empty lines (for separating datasets for Gnuplot) into the file.
write(uni, '(/)')
tout = tout + tout_interval
write(error_unit, fmtErrOut) nstep, time, nth_out
nth_out = nth_out + 1
end subroutine data_output
The subroutine for registering data in the database is as follows:
subroutine data_registration(conn, simu_name, filename, offset_k, k, cs, dt, dx, nstep, date)
use :: iso_c_binding
use :: libpq
implicit none
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: conn
character(*), intent(in) :: simu_name
character(*), intent(in) :: filename
integer, intent(in) :: k, offset_k
real(real64), intent(in) :: cs, dt, dx
integer, intent(in) :: nstep
character(*), intent(in) :: date
character(:), allocatable :: query
character(256) :: values(11)
type(c_ptr) :: res
real(real64) :: Courant
character(4) :: code
integer :: i
Courant = cs*dt/dx
! Write the values into array
write(code, '(1i4.4)') k + (offset_k-1)
values(1) = code
values(2) = trim(adjustl(date))
values(3) = trim(simu_name)
write(values(4), '(f16.8)') cs
write(values(5), '(f16.8)') dt
write(values(6), '(f16.8)') dx
write(values(7), '(f16.8)') Courant
write(values(8), '(f16.8)') L
write(values(9), '(i0)') nx
write(values(10), '(i0)') nstep
values(11) = trim(adjustl(filename))
do i = 1, size(values)
values(i) = trim(adjustl(values(i)))
end do
query = 'insert into advection &
& (sim_id, start_date, sim_name, cs, dt, dx, courant, l, nx, nstep, dat_file) &
& values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11)'
res = PQexecParams(conn, query, size(values), [(0, i=1,size(values))], values(:))
if (PQresultStatus(res) /= PGRES_COMMAND_OK) then
print *, PQresultErrorMessage(res)
end if
call PQclear(res)
end subroutine data_registration
This includes a query called the insert
statement, which inserts a record into the table in the
This insert statement is executed using the
function, which allows you to include
placeholders in the command string and pass their values
separately as an array of strings. For detailed information
about the arguments of this function, please refer to the PQexecParams
page in the Libpq-Fortran documentation.
Execute Main Program
All necessary ingredients are now in place. Write the main program and execute the simulations. The entire code of main program can be obtained from this link on GitHub.
program main
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
use :: libpq
implicit none
real(real64), parameter :: tend = 0.6d0
real(real64), parameter :: tout_interval = 0.1d0
integer, parameter :: NX = 200 ! The number of spatial grid divisions
real(real64), parameter :: L = 1d0 ! The length of computing region
character(*), parameter :: fmtOut = '(e10.3, 1x, e10.3, 1x, i0)'
character(*), parameter :: fmtErrOut= "(' output ', 'step=', i8, ' time=', e10.3, ' nth_out =', i3)"
character(*), parameter :: fmtStop = "(' stop ', 'step=', i8, ' time=', e10.3)"
character(:), allocatable :: filename
integer :: k
real(real64) :: cs, dt, dx
integer :: nstep, offset_k
type(c_ptr) :: conn
character(:), allocatable :: conninfo
character(10) :: date = '2023-12-10'
! Connection
conninfo = 'host=localhost dbname=simulation user=shinobu'
conn = PQconnectdb(conninfo)
if (PQstatus(conn) /= 0) then
print *, PQerrorMessage(conn)
error stop
end if
! Execute 16 simulations on Lax-Friedrich scheme (id = 1:16).
offset_k = 1
do k = 1, 16
cs = 1d0
dt = 5d-4 + 3d-4*dble(k-1)
dx = L/dble(nx)
call main_loop(cs, dt, dx, nstep, filename, offset_k, k, 'LF_')
call data_registration(conn, 'Lax-Friedrich', filename, offset_k, k, cs, dt, dx, nstep, date)
end do
! Execute 16 simulations on Lax-Wendroff scheme (id=17:32)
offset_k = 17
do k = 1, 16
cs = 1d0
dt = 5d-4 + 3d-4*dble(k-1)
dx = L/dble(nx)
call main_loop(cs, dt, dx, nstep, filename, offset_k, k, 'LW_')
call data_registration(conn, 'Lax-Wendroff', filename, offset_k, k, cs, dt, dx, nstep, date)
end do
! This includes the three subroutines mentioned above.
! ...
end program main
Check the Registered Data
psql -h localhost -U shinobu -d simulation
in the
terminal to launch psql, then run
select * from advection;
to confirm that 32
records have been inserted.
With this, we have successfully registered the result of numerical simulations into the database server. In the next section, we will demonstrate how to retrieve the registered data and draw plots from Fortran.
Retrieve the Data for Plot
Here, we will describe the process of retrieving data managed in PostgreSQL using Libpq-Fortran, passing the values from Fortran to a Gnuplot script, and drawing plots.
It is noting that if you wish to specify the drawing process in detail using Fortran, you may need to utilize libraries such as PLPlot.
The procedure here is as folllows:
- Extract some records from the
table in thesimulation
database. - Output the file paths of these data files.
- Concatenate them into a string variable separated by spaces and pass it as command-line arguments to the script.
The following code is a sample program for
program plot
use :: libpq
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
implicit none
character(:), allocatable :: conninfo, query, cmd
type(c_ptr) :: conn, res
integer :: i
! Connection
conninfo = "host=localhost dbname=simulation user=shinobu"
conn = PQconnectdb(conninfo)
if (PQstatus(conn) /= 0) then
print *, PQerrorMessage(conn)
error stop
end if
cmd = "gnuplot -c "
query = "select dat_file from advection where sim_name = 'Lax-Wendroff' and courant > 0.55;"
! Execute the query
res = PQexec(conn, query)
! Error Handling
if (PQresultStatus(res) /= PGRES_COMMAND_OK) then
print *, PQresultErrorMessage(res)
call PQfinish(conn)
error stop
end if
! Concatenate
do i = 0, PQntuples(res) - 1
cmd = cmd // ' '// PQgetvalue(res, i, 0)
end do
! Execute the command
print *, cmd
call system(cmd)
call PQclear(res)
call PQfinish(conn)
end program plot
In this program, the query
"select dat_file from advection where sim_name = 'Lax-Wendroff' and courant > 0.55;"
instructs to extract and output file paths for all records
where the simulation name is ‘Lax-Wendroff’ and the Courant
number is greater than 0.55.
The results of this query are extracted from the object
indicated by the c_ptr
type variable
using functions provided by libpq. In the
concatenation’s do
loop, a loop is instructed to
run for PQntuples(res) -1
iterations, starting
from 0. Within this loop, the function
PQgetvalue(res, i, 0)
is called to retrieve the
data from the i-th row and 0th column, and it is concatenated
into the variable cmd
The actual command to be executed would be as the following:
gnuplot -c result/LW_0024.dat result/LW_0025.dat result/LW_0026.dat result/LW_0027.dat result/LW_0028.dat result/LW_0029.dat result/LW_0030.dat result/LW_0031.dat result/LW_0032.dat
would be a Gnuplot script like
the following:
set term pngcairo size 1600,1200
set termoption noenhanced
set output "plot9.png"
set xlabel "x"
set ylabel "u"
set xrange [0:1]
set yrange [-0.5:2.0]
set multiplot layout 3,3
do for [i=1:9] {
path = ARGV[i]
set title path
unset xlabel
unset ylabel
if ( i % 3 == 1) {
set ylabel "u"
if ( i > 6 ) {
set xlabel "x"
plot path index 0 using 1:2 with lines title 't = 0.0', \
path index 1 using 1:2 with lines title 't = 0.1', \
path index 2 using 1:2 with lines title 't = 0.2', \
path index 3 using 1:2 with lines title 't = 0.3', \
path index 4 using 1:2 with lines title 't = 0.4', \
path index 5 using 1:2 with lines title 't = 0.5', \
path index 6 using 1:2 with lines title 't = 0.6
unset multiplot
Please use the latest version of Gnuplot to execute this script.
Executing this program (plot.f90
) allows you to
generate an image like the following:

In conclusion, we have successfully loaded data from a PostgreSQL server using Libpq-Fortran and drawn a plot with a Gnuplot script.
I have described the process of registering numerical simulation data in PostgreSQL using the Libpq-Fortran library and retrieving that data from the server for further use.
This approach is obviously useful in scenarios where the same program needs to be executed massively with varying parameters. There have been instances when I chose to leverage a database for parameter exploration, particularly when conducting an exhaustive search of parameters to evaluate the stability of a finite difference scheme. As seen throughout this process, it’s now possible to directly register data from Fortran, whereas at that time, the data registration was done from another language.
In the example we covered this time, it was relatively easy to manage because one simulation corresponded to one record. However, if we consider cases where multiple files are output for a single simulation, the complexity of data management increases. I hope to write about this aspect at some point in the future.