New Light on Fortran String Processing: Forgex 1st Release

Author: Amasaki Shinobu (雨崎しのぶ)

Twitter: @amasaki203

Posted on: 2023-12-25 JST Updated on: 2023-12-27 JST


I’ve developed a new project called ‘Forgex’, an abbreviation for ‘Fortran Regular Expression’, and its first release took place on December 24th.

Forgex is a regular expression engine written entirely in Fortran. It is a library module that is executable with just a Fortran compiler, devoid of dependencies other than a compiler and Fortran Package Manager (FPM). This library is freely available under the MIT license.

About Forgex

Forgex is a library module designed for processing regular expressions (pronounced as ‘forge x’ by me).

The distinctive features implemented in this library include:

Regular Expression Processing Implemented

This section lists the regular expression patterns that are implemented in Forgex.


Character Classes

Both character classes and their invertion support UTF-8 character sets, e. g. [α-ωぁ-ん]



Shorthand with Backslash



Operation has been confirmed with the following compilers:

To build this, the use of FPM is assumed. An alternative option is CMake.

Building with FPM

Add the following to your project’s fpm.toml:

forgex = {git = ""}

(Alternative) Building with CMake

Forgex also supports building with CMake.

# download forgex 

# decompress
tar xvzf ./v1.0.tar.gz

# change directory
cd ./forgex-1.0

# make 'build' directory 
cmake -S . -B ./build

# build
cmake --build ./build

# install
sudo cmake --install ./build --prefix /usr/local

# test
cd ./build

While it is possible to build using CMake, I recommend the more straightforward approach using FPM.


Declaring use forgex at the top of your program introduces the .in. and .match. operators and the regex function. Below we will look at how to use each of these three.

The .in. operator

The .in. operator returns true if the pattern (left operand) is contained in the string (right operand).

   character(:), allocatable :: pattern, str

   pattern = 'foo(bar|baz)'
   str = "foobarbaz"
   print *, pattern .in. str  ! T

   str = "foofoo"
   print *, pattern .in. str  ! F
end block

The .match. operator

The .match. operator returns true if the pattern and the string match exactly.

   character(:), allocatable :: pattern, str

   pattern = '\d{3}-\d{4}'
   str = '100-0001'
   print *, pattern .match. str  ! T

   str = '1234567'
   print *, pattern .match. str  ! F
end block

The regex function

The regex function takes a pattern and string as arguments and returns the matched substring. The substring is the leftmost and longmost match in the string.

   character(:), allocatable :: pattern, str
   pattern = '[a-z]{3}'
   str = 'foobarbaz'

   print *, regex(pattern, str)  ! foo
end block

As an option, you can also pass an integer-type arugment length that will stores the byte length of the substring.

   character(:), allocatable :: pattern, str
   integer :: length
   pattern = '[a-z]{3}'
   str = 'foobarbaz'

   print *, regex(pattern, str, length)  ! foo
   print *, length               ! 3
end block

The interface of the regex function is as follows:

function regex (pattern, str, length) result(res)
   character(*), intent(in) :: pattern, str
   integer, intent(inout), optional :: length
   character(:), allocatable :: res

UTF-8 String Processing

UTF-8 string can be matched using regular expression patterns just like ASCII strings. The following example demonstrates matching Chinese characters. In this example, the variable length stores the byte length, and in this case there 10 3-byte characters, so the length is 30.

   character(:), allocatable :: pattern, str
   integer :: length
   pattern = "夢.{3,7}胡蝶"
   str = "昔者莊周夢爲胡蝶 栩栩然胡蝶也"
   print *, pattern .in. str            ! T
   print *, regex(pattern, str, length) ! 夢爲胡蝶 栩栩然胡蝶
   print *, length                      ! 30 (is 3-byte * 10 characters)
end block

Internal Implementation

In the implementation of regular expression engines, there are broadly two approaches: using Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA) and constructing a virtual machine. In Forgex, I have adopted the former approach based on DFA.

Due to this choice, the following features will NOT be implemented:

Additionally, at the current stage, an on-the-fly DFA construction algorithm has not been implemented, thereby failing to address the issue of state number explosion. Consequently, patterns like [a-z]{20}b fall into the category of challenging cases.


While challenges such as addressing state explosion, optimization, and incorporating parallel processing remain, I have opted for the current release as the essential features are now in place.

With the release of this library, I hope for an improvement in the convenience of your Fortran string processing.


For the algorithm of the power set construction method and syntax analysis, I referred to Russ Cox’s article and Kondo Yoshiyuki’s book.

The implementation of the priority queue was based on the code written by ue1221.

The idea of applying the .in. operator to strings was inspired by kazulagi’s one.


  1. Russ Cox “Regular Expression Matching Can Be Simple And Fast”, 2007
  2. 近藤嘉雪 (Kondo Yoshiyuki), “定本 Cプログラマのためのアルゴリズムとデータ構造”, 1998, SB Creative.
  3. ue1221/fortran-utilities
  4. Haruka Tomobe (kazulagi),, his article in Japanese