PQdescribePrepared Function

public function PQdescribePrepared(conn, stmtName) result(res)

Submits a request to obtain information about the specified prepared statement, and waits for completion.

PQdescribePrepared allows an application to obtain information about a previously prepared statement.

stmtName can be "" to reference the unnamed statement, otherwise it must be the name of an existing prepared statement. On success, a PGresult with status PGRES_COMMAND_OK is returned. The PQnparams and PQparamtype can be applied to this PGresult to obtain information about the parameters of the prepared statement, and the functions PQnfields, PQfname, PQftype etc. provide information about the result columns (if any) of the statement.

cf. PostgreSQL Documentation


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: conn
character(len=*), intent(in) :: stmtName

Return Value type(c_ptr)
