PQsendQuery Function

public function PQsendQuery(conn, command) result(res)

Submits a command to the server without waiting for the result(s). 1 is returned if the command was successfully dispatched and 0 if not (in which case, use PQerrorMessage to get more information about the failure).

After successfully calling PQsendQuery, call PQgetResult one or more times to obtain the results. PQsendQuery cannot be called again (on the same connection) until PQgetResult has returned a null pointer, indicating that the command is done.

In pipeline mode, this function is disallowed.

cf. PostgreSQL Documentation


   type(c_ptr) :: conn
   type(c_ptr) :: res
   character(:), allocatable :: command
   integer :: ires

   conn = PQconnectdb("dbname=postgres")
   (...error handling...)

   ires = PQsendQuery(conn, command)
   if (ires /= 1) then
      print *, PQerrorMessage(conn)
   end if

   res = PQgetResult(conn)

   do while (c_associated(res))

      if (PQresultStatus(res) /= PGRES_TUPLES_OK) then
         print *, PQerrorMessage(conn)
      end if

      print *, PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0)
      call PQclear(res)

      res = PQgetResult(conn)

   end do


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: conn
character(len=*), intent(in) :: command

Return Value integer(kind=int32)
