get_lap_time_in_appropriate_unit Function

public function get_lap_time_in_appropriate_unit(lap_time) result(res)

This function takes a real number of seconds, converts it to the appropriate units, and returns a string with the unit for output.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=real64), intent(in) :: lap_time

Return Value character(len=NUM_DIGIT_TIME)

Source Code

   function get_lap_time_in_appropriate_unit(lap_time) result(res)
      implicit none
      real(real64), intent(in) :: lap_time
      character(NUM_DIGIT_TIME) :: res

      character(3) :: unit
      real(real64) :: multiplied

      unit = 's'

      if (lap_time >= 6d1) then
         unit = 'm'
         multiplied = lap_time / 6d1
      else if (lap_time >= 1d0) then
         unit = 's'
         multiplied = lap_time
      else if (lap_time >= 1d-3) then
         unit = 'ms'
         multiplied = lap_time * 1d3
      else if (lap_time >= 1d-6) then
         if (get_os_type() == OS_WINDOWS) then
            unit = 'us'
            unit = 'μs'
         end if
         multiplied = lap_time * 1d6
         unit = 'ns'
         multiplied = lap_time * 1d9
      end if

      write(res, '(f10.1, a)') multiplied, unit

   end function get_lap_time_in_appropriate_unit