print_help_debug_thompson Subroutine

public subroutine print_help_debug_thompson()



Source Code

   subroutine print_help_debug_thompson
      implicit none
      character(LINE_SIZ) :: header
      character(LINE_SIZ) :: usage(1)
      character(CMD_SIZ) :: op(3)
      character(CMD_DESC_SIZ) :: odesc(3)

      header = "Print the debug representaion of a Thompson NFA."
      usage(1) = "forgex-cli debug thompson <pattern>"

      op(1)    = "--verbose"
      odesc(1) ="Print more information."
      op(2)    ="--no-table"
      odesc(2) ="Suppresses the output of the property information table."
      op(3)    ="--table-only"
      odesc(3) ="Print the property information table only."

      call generate_and_output(header, usage, "OPTIONS", op, odesc)
   end subroutine print_help_debug_thompson