Derived Types

automaton_t forgex_automaton_m None

This type contains an NFA graph, and the DFA graph that are derived from it.

dfa_graph_t forgex_lazy_dfa_graph_m None

This type has the entire graph of DFA states.

dfa_state_node_t forgex_lazy_dfa_node_m None
dfa_transition_t forgex_lazy_dfa_node_m None
nfa_graph_t forgex_nfa_graph_m None
nfa_state_node_t forgex_nfa_node_m None
nfa_state_set_t forgex_nfa_state_set_m None

The nfa_state_set_t type represents set of NFA states.

nfa_transition_t forgex_nfa_node_m None
priority_queue_t forgex_priority_queue_m None

The priority_queue_t derived-type has an array containing segment data and the number of data. The array component is allocatable.

segment_t forgex_segment_m None

This derived-type represents a contiguous range of the Unicode character set as a min and max value, providing an effective way to represent ranges of characters when building automata where a range characters share the same transition destination.

tape_t forgex_syntax_tree_node_m None

This type holds the input pattern string and manages the index of the character it is currently focused.

tree_node_t forgex_syntax_tree_node_m None

This type is used to construct a concrete syntax tree, later converted to NFA.

tree_t forgex_syntax_tree_graph_m None