PQconninfoOption Derived Type

type, public :: PQconninfoOption

This is a derived-type that you are expected to use.



Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=CONNINFO_LABEL_LEN), public :: keyword

The keyword of the option.

character(len=CONNINFO_LABEL_LEN), public :: envvar

Fallback environment variable name

character(len=CONNINFO_LABEL_LEN), public :: compiled

Fallback compiled in default value

character(len=CONNINFO_LABEL_LEN), public :: val

Option's current value, or empty.

character(len=CONNINFO_LABEL_LEN), public :: label

Lable for field in connect dialog

character(len=1), public :: dispchar

Indicates how to display this field in a connect dialog. Values are:
"" Display entered value as is,
"*" Password field - hide value,
"D" Debug option - don't show by default.

integer(kind=int32), public :: dispsize

Field size in characters for dialog.