operator(.in.) Interface

public interface operator(.in.)

This interface block provides the .in. operator, which checks whether an integer and a segment, an integer and a list of segments, or a segment and a segment, is contained in the latter, respectively.

Module Procedures

private pure elemental function arg_in_segment(a, seg) result(res)

Checks if the given integer is within the specified segment.

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer(kind=int32), intent(in) :: a
type(segment_t), intent(in) :: seg

Return Value logical

private pure function arg_in_segment_list(a, seg_list) result(res)

Check if the ginve integer is within any of specified segments in a list.

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer(kind=int32), intent(in) :: a
type(segment_t), intent(in) :: seg_list(:)

Return Value logical

private pure elemental function seg_in_segment(a, b) result(res)

Check if the one segment is completely within another segment.

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(segment_t), intent(in) :: a
type(segment_t), intent(in) :: b

Return Value logical

private pure function seg_in_segment_list(seg, list) result(res)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(segment_t), intent(in) :: seg
type(segment_t), intent(in) :: list(:)

Return Value logical