disjoin_nfa_each_transition Subroutine

private pure subroutine disjoin_nfa_each_transition(transition, seg_list)

This subroutine updates the NFA state transitions by disjoining the segments.

It breaks down overlapping segments into non-overlapping segments, and creates new transitions accordingly.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(nfa_transition_t), intent(inout) :: transition
type(segment_t), intent(in) :: seg_list(:)

Source Code

   pure subroutine disjoin_nfa_each_transition(transition, seg_list)
      use :: forgex_segment_disjoin_m
      implicit none
      type(nfa_transition_t), intent(inout) :: transition
      type(segment_t),        intent(in) :: seg_list(:)

      type(segment_t), allocatable ::  tmp(:)

      integer :: k, m, n, siz
      if (.not. allocated(transition%c)) return

      siz = size(seg_list, dim=1)


         logical :: flag(siz)

         n = 0 ! to count valid disjoined segments.
         do k = 1, transition%c_top

            flag(:) = is_overlap_to_seg_list(transition%c(k), seg_list, siz)

            do m = 1, siz
               if (flag(m)) then
                  n = n + 1
                  tmp(n) = seg_list(m)
               end if
            end do

         end do
      end block

      if (size(transition%c, dim=1) < n) then
      end if

      ! Deep copy the result into the arguemnt's component
      do k = 1, n
         transition%c(k) = tmp(k)
      end do

      call update_c_top(transition)

   end subroutine disjoin_nfa_each_transition