get_token Subroutine

private pure subroutine get_token(self, class_flag)

Get the currently focused character (1 to 4 bytes) from the entire string inside the type_t derived-type, and store the enumerator's numeric value in the current_token component. This is a type-bound procedure of tape_t.

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(tape_t), intent(inout) :: self
logical, intent(in), optional :: class_flag

Source Code

   pure subroutine get_token(self, class_flag)
      use :: forgex_utf8_m, only: idxutf8
      implicit none
      class(tape_t),     intent(inout) :: self
      logical, optional, intent(in)    :: class_flag

      character(UTF8_CHAR_SIZE) :: c
      integer(int32)            :: ib, ie

      ib = self%idx
      if (ib > len(self%str)) then
         self%current_token = tk_end
         self%token_char = ''

         ie = idxutf8(self%str, ib)

         c = self%str(ib:ie)

         if (present(class_flag)) then
            if (class_flag) then
               select case (trim(c))
               case (SYMBOL_RSBK)
                  self%current_token = tk_rsbracket
               case (SYMBOL_HYPN)
                  self%current_token = tk_hyphen
                  self%token_char = c
               case default
                  self%current_token = tk_char
                  self%token_char = c
               end select
            end if
            select case(trim(c))
            case (SYMBOL_VBAR)
               self%current_token = tk_union
            case (SYMBOL_LPAR)
               self%current_token = tk_lpar
            case (SYMBOL_RPAR)
               self%current_token = tk_rpar
            case (SYMBOL_STAR)
               self%current_token = tk_star
            case (SYMBOL_PLUS)
               self%current_token = tk_plus
            case (SYMBOL_QUES)
               self%current_token = tk_question
            case (SYMBOL_BSLH)
               self%current_token = tk_backslash

               ib = ie +1
               ie = idxutf8(self%str, ib)

               self%token_char = self%str(ib:ie)
            case (SYMBOL_LSBK)
               self%current_token = tk_lsbracket
            case (SYMBOL_RSBK)
               self%current_token = tk_rsbracket
            case (SYMBOL_LCRB)
               self%current_token = tk_lcurlybrace
            case (SYMBOL_RCRB)
               self%current_token = tk_rcurlybrace
            case (SYMBOL_DOT)
               self%current_token = tk_dot
            case (SYMBOL_CRET)
               self%current_token = tk_caret
            case (SYMBOL_DOLL)
               self%current_token = tk_dollar
            case default
               self%current_token = tk_char
               self%token_char = c
            end select
         end if

         self%idx = ie + 1

      end if
   end subroutine get_token