move Function

private pure function move(automaton, curr) result(res)

This function returns the dfa transition object, that contains the destination index and the corresponding set of transitionable NFA state.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(automaton_t), intent(in) :: automaton
integer(kind=int32), intent(in) :: curr

Return Value type(dfa_transition_t)

Source Code

   pure function move(automaton, curr) result(res)
      implicit none
      type(automaton_t), intent(in) :: automaton
      integer(int32), intent(in) :: curr
      type(dfa_transition_t) :: res

      type(nfa_state_set_t) :: set
      integer :: next

      call destination(automaton, curr, next, set)

      res%dst = next
      res%nfa_set = set
   end function move