tree_graph__range Subroutine

private pure subroutine tree_graph__range(self)

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(tree_t), intent(inout) :: self

Source Code

   pure subroutine tree_graph__range(self)
      implicit none
      class(tree_t), intent(inout) :: self
      character(:), allocatable :: buf
      integer(int32) :: arg(2), ios, min, max

      type(tree_node_t) :: left, node

      ios = 0
      buf = ''
      arg(:) = INVALID_REPEAT_VAL

      call self%tape%get_token()

      do while (self%tape%current_token /= tk_rcurlybrace)
         buf= buf//trim(self%tape%token_char)
         call self%tape%get_token

         if (self%tape%current_token == tk_end) then
            self%code = SYNTAX_ERR_CURLYBRACE_MISSING
            self%is_valid_pattern = .false.
         end if
      end do

      if (buf(1:1) == ',') then
         buf = "0"//buf
      end if

      read(buf, fmt=*, iostat=ios) arg(:)

      ! ios has a negative value if an end-of-record condition is encountered during non-advancing input,
      ! a different negative value if and endfile condition was detected on the input device, a positive value
      ! if an error was detected, or the value zero otherwise.
      ! cf. Michael Metcalf, John Reid and Malcolm Cohen (2018)
      !       - "Modern Fortran Explained--Incorporating Fortran 2018"

      if (ios > 0) then
         self%is_valid_pattern = .false.
      end if

      buf = adjustl(buf)

      if (arg(1) == 0) then   ! {,max}, {0,max}

         if (buf(len_trim(buf):len_trim(buf)) == ',') then
            min = arg(1)
            max = INFINITE
            min = 0
            max = arg(2)
         end if
      else if (arg(2) == INVALID_REPEAT_VAL) then ! {min,}, {num}
         if (buf(len_trim(buf):len_trim(buf)) == ',') then
            min = arg(1)
            max = INFINITE
            min = arg(1)
            max = arg(1)
         end if

         min = arg(1)
         max = arg(2)
      end if

      if (max /= INVALID_REPEAT_VAL .and. max /= INFINITE .and. min > max) then
         self%is_valid_pattern = .false.
      end if

      node = make_repeat_node(min, max)
      left = self%get_top()
      call self%register_connector(node, left, terminal)

   end subroutine tree_graph__range