This file contains definitions of dfa_transition_t
type and dfa_state_node_t
and its type-bound procedures.
! Fortran Regular Expression (Forgex) ! ! MIT License ! ! (C) Amasaki Shinobu, 2023-2024 ! A regular expression engine for Fortran. ! forgex_lazy_dfa_m module is a part of Forgex. ! !! This file contains definitions of `dfa_transition_t` type and `dfa_state_node_t` class, !! and its type-bound procedures. #ifdef IMPURE #define pure #endif !> The `forgex_lazy_dfa_node_m` module defines the state nodes and transitions of DFA. module forgex_lazy_dfa_node_m use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: int32 use :: forgex_parameters_m, only: DFA_NOT_INIT, DFA_NOT_INIT_TRAENSITION_TOP, & DFA_TRANSITION_UNIT, DFA_INIT_TRANSITION_TOP, DFA_TRANSITION_BASE, & DFA_NOT_INIT_TRAENSITION_TOP, ALLOC_COUNT_INITTIAL use :: forgex_segment_m, only: segment_t use :: forgex_nfa_state_set_m, only: nfa_state_set_t implicit none private public :: copy_dfa_transition type, public :: dfa_transition_t type(segment_t) :: c type(nfa_state_set_t) :: nfa_set integer(int32) :: own_j = DFA_NOT_INIT ! Own index in the list of transitions integer(int32) :: dst = DFA_NOT_INIT ! The destination node index of DFA graph. end type dfa_transition_t type, public :: dfa_state_node_t integer(int32) :: own_i = DFA_NOT_INIT type(nfa_state_set_t) :: nfa_set logical :: accepted = .false. type(dfa_transition_t), allocatable :: transition(:) integer(int32), private :: tra_top = DFA_NOT_INIT_TRAENSITION_TOP integer(int32) :: alloc_count_f = ALLOC_COUNT_INITTIAL logical :: registered = .false. logical :: initialized = .false. contains procedure :: get_tra_top => dfa_state_node__get_transition_top procedure :: init_tra_top => dfa_state_node__initialize_transition_top procedure :: increment_tra_top => dfa_state_node__increment_transition_top procedure :: add_transition => dfa_state_node__add_transition procedure :: realloc_f => dfa_state_node__reallocate_transition_forward procedure :: is_registered_tra => dfa_state_node__is_registered_transition procedure :: free => dfa_state_node__deallocate end type dfa_state_node_t contains !> This function returns the index of top transition in the list dfa_state_node_t has. pure function dfa_state_node__get_transition_top (self) result(res) implicit none class(dfa_state_node_t), intent(in) :: self integer :: res res = self%tra_top end function dfa_state_node__get_transition_top !> This subroutine initialize the top index of the transition array of the dfa !> node with the value of the given argument. pure subroutine dfa_state_node__initialize_transition_top(self, top) implicit none class(dfa_state_node_t), intent(inout) :: self integer, intent(in) :: top self%tra_top = top end subroutine dfa_state_node__initialize_transition_top !> This subroutine deallocates the transition array of a DFA state node. pure subroutine dfa_state_node__deallocate(self) implicit none class(dfa_state_node_t), intent(inout) :: self if (allocated(self%transition)) deallocate(self%transition) end subroutine dfa_state_node__deallocate !> This subroutine increments the value of top transition index. pure subroutine dfa_state_node__increment_transition_top (self) implicit none class(dfa_state_node_t), intent(inout) :: self self%tra_top = self%tra_top + 1 end subroutine dfa_state_node__increment_transition_top !> This subroutine processes to add the given transition to the list which dfa_state_node_t has. pure subroutine dfa_state_node__add_transition (self, tra) implicit none class(dfa_state_node_t), intent(inout) :: self type(dfa_transition_t), intent(in) :: tra integer :: j if (.not. self%initialized .or. .not. allocated(self%transition)) then call self%realloc_f() end if !== At this point, self%transition is definitely already assigned. ==! if (self%get_tra_top() == DFA_NOT_INIT_TRAENSITION_TOP) then error stop "ERROR: Invalid counting transitions" end if if (.not. allocated(self%transition)) then error stop "ERROR: Transition array not allocated." end if call self%increment_tra_top() j = self%get_tra_top() if (j >= size(self%transition, dim=1)) then call self%realloc_f() end if self%transition(j) = tra end subroutine dfa_state_node__add_transition !> This subroutine copies the data of a specified transition into the !> variables of another dfa_transition_t. pure subroutine copy_dfa_transition(src, dst) implicit none type(dfa_transition_t), intent(in) :: src type(dfa_transition_t), intent(inout) :: dst dst%c = src%c dst%dst = src%dst dst%nfa_set = src%nfa_set dst%own_j = src%own_j end subroutine copy_dfa_transition !> This subroutine performs allocating initial or additional transition arrays. !> pure subroutine dfa_state_node__reallocate_transition_forward(self) implicit none class(dfa_state_node_t), intent(inout) :: self type(dfa_transition_t), allocatable :: tmp(:) integer :: siz, j integer :: new_part_begin, new_part_end siz = 0 !! @note Note that the return value of the `size` intrinsic function for an unallocated array is undefined. if (self%initialized .and. allocated(self%transition)) then ! If already initialized, copy the transitions to a temporary array `tmp`. siz = size(self%transition, dim=1) call move_alloc(self%transition, tmp) else ! If not yet initialized, call init_tra_top procedure. siz = 0 call self%init_tra_top(DFA_INIT_TRANSITION_TOP) end if self%alloc_count_f = self%alloc_count_f + 1 ! Increment new_part_begin = siz + 1 new_part_end = DFA_TRANSITION_UNIT * 2**self%alloc_count_f allocate(self%transition(DFA_TRANSITION_BASE:new_part_end)) ! Copy registered data if(allocated(tmp)) self%transition(DFA_TRANSITION_BASE:siz) = tmp(DFA_TRANSITION_BASE:siz) ! Initialize the new part of the array. self%transition(new_part_begin:new_part_end)%own_j = [(j, j=new_part_begin, new_part_end)] self%initialized = .true. end subroutine dfa_state_node__reallocate_transition_forward ! This function scans all transition of the node and returns true if a ! transition containing the given symbol is already registered. pure function dfa_state_node__is_registered_transition(self, dst, symbol) result(res) use :: forgex_segment_m, only: symbol_to_segment, operator(.in.) implicit none class(dfa_state_node_t), intent(in) :: self integer, intent(in) :: dst character(*), intent(in) :: symbol logical :: res integer :: j res = .false. do j = 1, self%get_tra_top() if (self%transition(j)%dst == dst) then if (symbol_to_segment(symbol) .in. self%transition(j)%c) then res = .true. return end if end if end do end function dfa_state_node__is_registered_transition end module forgex_lazy_dfa_node_m