nfa_state_set_m.F90 Source File

This file contains nfa_state_set_t class.

Source Code

! Fortran Regular Expression (Forgex)
! MIT License
! (C) Amasaki Shinobu, 2023-2024
!     A regular expression engine for Fortran.
!     forgex_nfa_m module is a part of Forgex.
!! This file contains `nfa_state_set_t` class.

!> `forgex_nfa_m` module defines a derived-type which is the set of NFA nodes.
!> `nfa_state_set_t` represents a set of NFA nodes for the power set construction method.
#ifdef IMPURE
#define pure
module forgex_nfa_state_set_m
   use :: iso_fortran_env, only: int32
   implicit none

   public :: add_nfa_state
   public :: check_nfa_state
   public :: equivalent_nfa_state_set
   public :: collect_epsilon_transition
   public :: init_state_set

   public :: print_nfa_state_set

   !> The `nfa_state_set_t` type represents set of NFA states.
   type, public :: nfa_state_set_t
      logical, allocatable :: vec(:)
   end type


   pure subroutine init_state_set(state_set, ntop)
      implicit none
      type(nfa_state_set_t), intent(inout) :: state_set
      integer(int32), intent(in) :: ntop

      if (.not. allocated(state_set%vec)) then
         state_set%vec(:) = .false.
      end if

   end subroutine init_state_set

   !> This function checks if the arguement 'state' (set of NFA state) includes state 's'.
   pure logical function check_nfa_state(state_set, state_index)
      implicit none
      type(nfa_state_set_t), intent(in) :: state_set
      integer(int32),        intent(in) :: state_index

      if (state_index /= 0) then
         check_nfa_state = state_set%vec(state_index)

         check_nfa_state = .false.
      end if
   end function check_nfa_state

   !> This subroutine adds a specified state (`s`) to an NFA state set `state_set`
   !> by setting the corresponding element in `state%vec` to true.
   pure subroutine add_nfa_state(state_set, s)
      implicit none
      type(nfa_state_set_t), intent(inout) :: state_set  ! NFA state set to modify.
      integer(int32),        intent(in)    :: s          ! State index to add to the state set

      ! Set the state `s` in the `state_set` to `.true.`
      state_set%vec(s) = .true.
   end subroutine add_nfa_state

   !> This function determines if two NFA state sets (logical vectors) are equivalent.
   !> It takes two NFA state sets, compares all elements of a logical vector, perform a
   !> logical AND, and returns it.
   pure elemental function equivalent_nfa_state_set(a, b) result(res)
      implicit none
      type(nfa_state_set_t), intent(in) :: a, b

      logical        :: res

      ! If all elements match, set the result `res` to `.true.` indicating equivalence.
      res = all(a%vec .eqv. b%vec)

   end function equivalent_nfa_state_set

   !> This subroutine recursively marks empty transitions from a given NFA state index.
   recursive pure subroutine mark_epsilon_transition(nfa_graph, nfa_top, nfa_set, nfa_i)
      use :: forgex_nfa_node_m, only: nfa_state_node_t
      implicit none
      type(nfa_state_node_t), intent(in)    :: nfa_graph(NFA_STATE_BASE:NFA_STATE_LIMIT)
      type(nfa_state_set_t),  intent(inout) :: nfa_set
      integer(int32),         intent(in)    :: nfa_i, nfa_top

      integer :: dst
      integer :: iii, j

      ! Add the current state to the state set.
      call add_nfa_state(nfa_set, nfa_i)

      ! Scan the entire NFA state nodes.
      outer: do iii = NFA_STATE_BASE+1, nfa_top
         if (.not. allocated(nfa_graph(iii)%forward)) cycle outer

         ! Scan the all forward transitions.
         middle: do j = lbound(nfa_graph(iii)%forward, dim=1), nfa_graph(iii)%forward_top

            ! If the forward segment list is not allocated, move to the next loop.
            if (.not. allocated(nfa_graph(iii)%forward(j)%c)) cycle middle

            ! Get the destination index and if it is not NULL, call this function recursively.
            dst = nfa_graph(iii)%forward(j)%dst
            if (dst /= NFA_NULL_TRANSITION) call mark_epsilon_transition(nfa_graph, nfa_top, nfa_set, nfa_i)

         end do middle
      end do outer
   end subroutine mark_epsilon_transition

   !> This subroutine collects all states reachable by empty transition starting from a given
   !> state set in an NFA.
   pure subroutine collect_epsilon_transition(nfa_graph, nfa_top, nfa_set)
      use :: forgex_nfa_node_m, only: nfa_state_node_t
      implicit none
      type(nfa_state_node_t), intent(in)    :: nfa_graph(:)
      integer(int32),         intent(in)    :: nfa_top
      type(nfa_state_set_t),  intent(inout) :: nfa_set

      integer(int32) :: ii

      do ii = NFA_STATE_BASE+1, nfa_top
         if (check_nfa_state(nfa_set, ii)) then
            call mark_epsilon_transition(nfa_graph, nfa_top, nfa_set, ii)
         end if
      end do
   end subroutine collect_epsilon_transition

   ! This subroutine is for debugging, print_lazy_dfa and automaton__print_dfa use this procedure.
   subroutine print_nfa_state_set(set, top, uni)
      use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only:stderr => error_unit
      implicit none
      type(nfa_state_set_t), intent(in) :: set
      integer(int32),        intent(in) :: top
      integer(int32),        intent(in) :: uni
      integer(int32) :: i

      do i = 1, top
         if (check_nfa_state(set, i)) write(uni, '(i0, a)', advance='no') i, ' '
      end do
   end subroutine print_nfa_state_set

end module forgex_nfa_state_set_m