This file defines the priority_queue_t
! Fortran Regular Expression (Forgex) ! ! MIT License ! ! (C) Amasaki Shinobu, 2023-2024 ! A regular expression engine for Fortran. ! forgex_priority_queue_m module is a part of Forgex. ! ! (C) ue1221, 2021 ! ! The original Fortran implementation of priority queue is by ue1221. ! cf. !! This file defines the `priority_queue_t` derived-type. !> The `forgex_priority_queue_m` module defines `priority_queue_t`. !> This implementation was originally provided by ue1221. module forgex_priority_queue_m use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: int32 use :: forgex_segment_m, only: segment_t implicit none private public :: priority_queue_t !> The `priority_queue_t` derived-type has an array containing segment data !> and the number of data. The array component is allocatable. type priority_queue_t integer(int32) :: number = 0 type(segment_t), allocatable :: heap(:) contains procedure :: enqueue procedure :: dequeue procedure :: clear end type contains !> The `enqueue` subroutine is responsible for allocating heap structure and !> holding the disjoined segment data with ascending priority order. pure subroutine enqueue(pq, seg) implicit none class(priority_queue_t), intent(inout) :: pq type(segment_t), intent(in) :: seg type(segment_t) :: t type(segment_t), allocatable :: tmp(:) integer(int32) :: n, i if (.not.allocated(pq%heap)) allocate(pq%heap(1)) ! Managing the size of array in the queue. !! @note This implementation shall be rewritten using the `move_alloc` statement. n = pq%number if (n == size(pq%heap)) then allocate(tmp(n)) tmp(:) = pq%heap(:) deallocate(pq%heap) allocate(pq%heap(n*2)) pq%heap(1:n) = tmp(1:n) end if pq%number = pq%number + 1 pq%heap(pq%number) = seg ! Implementing a queue using arrays. ! The following loop ensures that the data structure is a heap: n = pq%number do while (n > 1) i = n/2 if (pq%heap(n)%min < pq%heap(i)%min & .or. (pq%heap(n)%min == pq%heap(i)%min .and. pq%heap(n)%max < pq%heap(i)%max)) then t = pq%heap(n) pq%heap(n) = pq%heap(i) pq%heap(i) = t end if n = i end do end subroutine enqueue !> The `dequeue` function takes out and returns the prior segment from the queue. pure subroutine dequeue(pq, res) implicit none class(priority_queue_t), intent(inout) :: pq type(segment_t), intent(inout) :: res type(segment_t) :: tmp integer :: n, i, j ! Hold the number of data in a temporary variable. n = pq%number ! The prior element of the array is returned. res = pq%heap(1) ! The tailing data is moved to the beginning. pq%heap(1) = pq%heap(n) ! Reduce the number of data by one. pq%number = pq%number - 1 ! The following loop ensures that the data structure is a heap: i = 1 do while (2*i < n) j = 2*i if (j+1 < n .and. pq%heap(j+1)%min < pq%heap(j)%min) j = j + 1 if (pq%heap(j)%min < pq%heap(i)%min) then tmp = pq%heap(j) pq%heap(j) = pq%heap(i) pq%heap(i) = tmp end if i = j end do end subroutine dequeue !> The `clear` subroutine deallocates the queue. pure subroutine clear(pq) implicit none class(priority_queue_t), intent(inout) :: pq if (allocated(pq%heap)) deallocate(pq%heap) pq%number = 0 end subroutine clear end module forgex_priority_queue_m