enqueue Subroutine

private pure subroutine enqueue(pq, seg)

The enqueue subroutine is responsible for allocating heap structure and holding the disjoined segment data with ascending priority order.


This implementation shall be rewritten using the move_alloc statement.

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(priority_queue_t), intent(inout) :: pq
type(segment_t), intent(in) :: seg

Source Code

   pure subroutine enqueue(pq, seg)
      implicit none
      class(priority_queue_t), intent(inout) :: pq
      type(segment_t),         intent(in) :: seg

      type(segment_t)              :: t
      type(segment_t), allocatable :: tmp(:)
      integer(int32)               :: n, i

      if (.not.allocated(pq%heap)) allocate(pq%heap(1))

      !  Managing the size of array in the queue.
      !! @note This implementation shall be rewritten using the `move_alloc` statement.
      n = pq%number
      if (n == size(pq%heap)) then
         tmp(:) = pq%heap(:)
         pq%heap(1:n) = tmp(1:n)
      end if

      pq%number = pq%number + 1
      pq%heap(pq%number) = seg

      ! Implementing a queue using arrays.
      ! The following loop ensures that the data structure is a heap:
      n = pq%number
      do while (n > 1)
         i = n/2
         if (pq%heap(n)%min < pq%heap(i)%min &
               .or. (pq%heap(n)%min == pq%heap(i)%min .and. pq%heap(n)%max < pq%heap(i)%max)) then
            t = pq%heap(n)
            pq%heap(n) = pq%heap(i)
            pq%heap(i) = t
         end if
         n = i
      end do
   end subroutine enqueue